Friday, December 4, 2009

We're all aware of the incident of a couple "crashing" President Obamas first state dinner last week. Its just been released that three Secret Service Officers were put on leave regarding the situation and an investigation is being done. I have to say it makes me wonder is our country really protected in every way that it should be? The leader of our country, is supposed to have the best of the best personal security and promises us that our nations borders are secure, yet people are able to sneak their way into what is supposed to be a highly secure presidential event. Does this not leave a huge lump in your throat? What does this say about the the possibility of infiltration yet again?
With the vulnerabilities of our nation currently, including economic struggle, emotional distress of the ongoing war, and insecurities over the future of our health care, can we handle another tragic event like 9/11? The lack of responsibilities of the security officials in the White House only makes me doubt the safety of our homeland. Far too many lives were lost due to over confidence and neglegent national officials. Hopefully this potentially tragic event has opened the eyes of our officials and the appropriate actions will take place in the future so that our heart, mind, and faith will be restored.